Race Day Reminders

It's almost race day! We're so excited!! Register Here Here are a few race day reminders: The race will take place on April 23 and 24, you can participate any time of the day. It is a virtual 5K, which means you can complete the race anywhere you would like, with anyone you like, by yourself or even with your dog! The easiest way to complete the race and submit your completion is by using the RaceJoy app. RaceJoy Instructions: Go to the app store on your smartphone Type in RaceJoy Download app Once downloaded, the easiest way to find our race is: Click on Featured Race...
Jamie Mitchell
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GOLO Semi-Annual Virtual 5K

It is time once again for the GOLO Semi-Annual Virtual 5k Run/Walk! These events are always so much fun and we love to see our members from all over the country joining together on the same day to get healthier! We hope that you will join in the fun and run or walk with us! This virtual run will take place from April 23, 2022, through April 24, 2022! Join as a solo participant or with friends. Because this is a virtual event you can complete it anywhere and at any time of day you choose! You can run, walk or jog whatever works for you. Complete the race at your own pace and time it yoursel...
Erik Witman
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Be Careful

Today, we want to emphasize safe exercise. I have been guilty of pushing my limits a bit too far when exercising and have injured myself as a result. Our advice to you: honor your body, respect yourself and know your limits. There is a huge difference between feeling the burn of your workout and feeling pain. One is good, the other not so much. In order to help you avoid injury while you’re pushing towards your health and wellness goals, we want to provide you with some helpful tips to ensure your safety when exercising. Here are some useful tips to having both a safe and effective workout ...
Eden Covington
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For some, finding the fun in exercise is more of a challenge than actually exercising. Or maybe you aren’t able to participate in typical exercises due to age or injury. If you relate to either you’re in luck because there is an exercise that is growing in popularity and is sure to bring out the playful child in you, safely. Rebounding (no, I don’t mean bouncing back from an ex) is just bouncing on a mini trampoline, simply as that. Many of us buy trampolines for our kids as toys; little did we know, we have a health machine in disguise. It even has the seal of approval from rocket scientis...
Eden Covington
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Exercise Myths

When you are trying to break into the “fit life” it’s wise to know what you are getting into and learn about how to get the most out of the exercises you are learning. GOLO is here to offer a word of caution; be wary with what you read. There are many fitness myths out there that are hindering the results people are working so hard for. Here are 5 fitness myths to look out for and the truth behind them. Your exercise equipment knows exactly how many calories you burned during your workout. If anyone owns a treadmill or has used a Stair Master or Elliptical machine at the gym you probably h...
Jennifer Brooks
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Avoiding Overtraining

ARE YOU EXERCISING TOO MUCH? Here’s a question we received recently…Can you exercise too much? The answer is not as simple as you might think. More exercise = more weight loss and more strength, right? Wrong! You can absolutely exercise too much! Sounds kind of strange doesn’t it? In actuality there is a science behind working out and you must be mindful of how often you are working your body without giving it the rest it needs. Crossfit coach Kyle J. Smith says that it is important to make sure that the amount of exercise you do does not exceed your body’s ability to recover, because if it...
Eden Covington
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Mental Fitness

Staying focused on your health and wellness goals can be challenging, but at GOLO we are always up for a challenge! Any form of physical activity will assist in keeping you focused on your ultimate goal of living a healthier lifestyle. Telling you that exercise helps with weight loss is nothing you haven’t heard before, but what many people don’t realize is that the benefits of staying physically active reach far beyond “fitness”. In fact, some of these benefits are intangible. Along with improving your physical health, exercising regularly also provides an immense amount of mental health s...
Eden Covington
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