Exercise Myths

When you are trying to break into the “fit life” it’s wise to know what you are getting into and learn about how to get the most out of the exercises you are learning. GOLO is here to offer a word of caution; be wary with what you read. There are many fitness myths out there that are hindering the results people are working so hard for.

Here are 5 fitness myths to look out for and the truth behind them.

  1. Your exercise equipment knows exactly how many calories you burned during your workout. If anyone owns a treadmill or has used a Stair Master or Elliptical machine at the gym you probably have noticed that it counts the number of calories you burned during that session. MYTH. The truth is you must factor in your age, gender, BMI and your fitness level to truly determine how many calories you have burned.
  2. We are visual creatures. When it comes to weight loss and health people see a number on the scale and believe that is the end all be all to gage their results. MYTH. That little number on the scale is just ONE way to measure how fit or healthy a person is. Added weight on the scale could be muscle and not fat. Remember you could also factor in the inches around your waist, blood work results and your endurance during a workout. The number on the scale does not rule your life.
  3. You must do cardio to lose weight. MYTH. Yes, cardio is a great exercise but, as with almost everything in life, balance is key. Mix in some strength training to give yourself more well-rounded results.
  4. Going back to the numbers, heart rate monitors will tell you how many times your heart beats per minute. People say that these monitors let you know if you are working hard or not during a workout. MYTH. Your body knows best. Listen to it, it will give you the answers you want. Take notice if your breathing heavier or if you can or cannot complete a sentence. You will know if you gave it your all or not.
  5. Protein shakes and protein powders are hot on the market right now and have been for some time. They are advertised to be healthy and give us the protein our bodies need. MYTH. We are organic organisms, our bodies need and want whole, raw, natural foods. Most protein shakes and powders are made with low quality ingredients that our bodies simply cannot process. Better options for natural proteins would be Greek yogurt, eggs, chicken, beef and nuts.


Top 10 Exercise Myths | Exercise.com

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Tagged with: Fitness