Bowl of broth

Real vs. Fake Bone Broth

Bone Broth – What is it and should I use it?

You may have heard the hype about bone broth lately as it has been getting lots of media attention. You might have been inclined to try it, or have even started using it regularly. But are you getting the true version with all the health benefits or the commercial version that may not be as good for you?

Real, traditional bone broth is made by slow simmering bones to extract amino acids, collagen and minerals into the broth. It has a sort of gelatin-like texture to it when refrigerated, and cannot be stored at room temperature because there are no preservatives. It is a true superfood and it has numerous health benefits including:

  • Helping to heal and seal the intestinal lining
  • Strengthening and soothing the gut
  • Helps protects joints
  • Great for skin and hair health
  • Anti-inflammatory properties

Here’s the thing, real bone broth doesn’t taste that great but it has amazing health benefits. The commercial versions you can find in the store, depending on the brand, may have some of the benefits of the homemade version but may also contain added ingredients such as sodium, monosodium glutamate, dextrose, yeast extract, natural flavors and artificial flavors and colorings.

If it comes in a carton at the grocery store, or is a powdered version, beware that it may not be doing all that you are hoping it will. A lot of nutrients are lost during the high heat it takes to turn the broth into a powder and/or to process it into a shelf-stable item.

If you want to make your own bone broth, here is a link to a good recipe.

If you don’t have the time to make your own, here are some recommendations of the healthier pre-made bone broths:

  1. Butcher’s Bone Broth
  2. Epic Artisanal Bone Broth
  3. Kettle & Fire Bone Broth

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“Bone Broth Benefits for Digestion, Arthritis, and Cellulite.” Dr. Axe,

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