
Have you ever heard of elderberry? It has been popping up a lot lately, but it dates back thousands of years. In fact, archaeological excavations have found large numbers of the seeds at prehistoric sites, dating back to around 17,000 years ago.

There are many medicinal traits of this herb, including:

  • Strengthens immune system- have strong antibacterial and anti-infectious properties and is often used to ward off the flu and colds (go here for recipe for elderberry syrup- https://realfoodrn.com/homemade-elderberry-syrup/)
  • Improves respiratory health- can also help sore throat and cough due to the anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to help clear mucus
  • Aids digestion- high fiber content helps to prevent constipation and gas, and also can increase the nutrition uptake of your gut
  • Helps to regulate blood sugar- antioxidants work with the pancreas to regulate insulin and glucose levels
  • Improve bone health- antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds can alleviate joint pain and the high levels of essential minerals can promote bone strength and the development of new bone tissue It seems like this herb may not be a bad idea to try, since we are approaching cold and flu season.

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Elderberry: Health Benefits, Risks, Uses, Effectiveness (webmd.com)

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