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What is Propylene Glycol?

If you have ever purchased packaged foods, then you have probably seen the words “Propylene Glycol” on the label. It is commonly found in drink mixes, salad dressings, soups, cake mix, icing, soft drinks, popcorn, food coloring, fast foods, bread, ice cream and some other dairy products. So, it’s in a lot of things – but what is it?

Propylene glycol is a synthetic chemical. It is also the main ingredient in antifreeze. It is derived from petroleum and is colorless, odorless and has a sweet taste. It is used for its ability to keep a substance moist, maintain certain textures and in foods that require thickening, emulsifying, or stabilizing.

It can also be added to body care products, cosmetics, and medications.

The FDA classifies propylene glycol as “Generally Recognized as Safe.” However, there are numerous health concerns that have been linked to the consumption of it.

  • Leaky gut
  • Skin conditions such as dermatitis
  • Allergies and asthma

The best way to avoid consuming propylene glycol is to always check your labels and avoid processed foods!

References -

“Find out What the Uses of Propylene Glycol Are.” Verywell Health,

Brite, Dr. “Dangers of Propylene Glycol | Used in a Variety of Products, from Food to Medications - Is It Safe?” Dr. Brite, Accessed 19 Jan. 2022.

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Tagged with: Healthy Living, Wellness